Community Based Fire Management –CBFiM - Best practice examples in the SADC region

Most SADC Member States are affected by fire annually which threatens the livelihoods of rural communities. The Protocol on Forestry calls upon Member States to co-operate in addressing issues of common concern including deforestation, climate change, forest fires, and law enforcement in a manner that makes the best use of the technical, financial and other resources in the Region. The countries are encouraged to adopt, strengthen and implement national as well as regional measures, which prevent and suppress uncontrolled fires, and facilitate transboundary assistance in emergency situations. Furthermore it supports promotion of community-based forest management.


The study “Community Based Fire Management –CBFiM - Best practice examples in the SADC region”, provides an overview of CBFiM case studies in the SADC region. The report relies on the existing knowledge and definitions of CBFiM. It expands the definitions with existing case studies and highlights the potential of CBFiM as part of an enhanced Integrated Fire Management (IFM) approach in a given land management area of interest including Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCA). The case studies may be used as a guide for enhancing community involvement in sustainable forest management especially with regard to forest fire.

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