
Lubombo TFCA - Mozambique Situational Analysis Consultancy

Lubombo TFCA is looking for consultants to conduct a Situational Analysis on the Mozambican part of the TFCA.

20171107 SADC TFCAs T&CaB Cop meeting

This Document contains all the documentation relevant to the meeting held in November 2017.

Please be aware that, besides the Agenda and the Minutes, as well as acts of national and international law, all other documents enclosed here may be sensitive. In this case, ask the document owners before disclosing with parties outside this group. 


SADC TFCAs Training and Capacity Building CoP ToR draft

This document is the second draft of the Terms of Reference for the Training and Capacity Building Community of Practice. This version needs to be updated following the meeting held in November 2017 and finalised by July 2018.

TFCAs M&E Situation Analysis Report

The first output of this project is a comprehensive review of existing legal mechanisms for M&E of Transboundary Conservation Initiatives (TCIs) and of existing frameworks and tools for M&E of TCIs. The analsys uses a Common Property Principle approach to frame Transboundary Natural Resources as common property, thus providing a set of relevant guidelines to create an M&E system that is cognisant of existing legal frameworks, tools and guidelines for the Southern African region, and the indicators thereof. 

Africa Ignite- WOWZA proposal

This is a proposal which is a responsible tourism community based model, which has been tried and tested in KwaZulu Natal in South Africa for over 5 years. This would be great to look at and investigate methods of collaboration in developing linkages for SMMEs  in our line of work.

SADC TFCAs M&E Framework Elements workshop report

During the 2017 SADC TFCAs Network Meeting, the Consultant tasked to produce the M&E framework for the SADC TFCAs programme held a workshop to discuss and agree on the contents, structure, and outcomes of the Framework. The participants to the workshop were primarily the members of the SADC TFCAs Steering Committee, the SADC TFCAs Focal Points and the members of the M&E Community of Practice. The discussion and outcomes of the workshop are presented in this report. 

TFCA Network Symposium 2016: Technical Report & Record

A three day Symposium entitled “Conservation, Collaboration and Management Support” was held from 4-6 July 2016 in Gaborone, Botswana under the auspices of the SADC TFCA Network with technical and financial support from GIZ, Frankfurt Zoological Society, Panthera, Peace Parks Foundation, African Wildlife Foundation and IUCN BIOPAMA. 104 participants from SADC Member States, conservation agencies, traditional leadership, ICPs, NGOs, and private sector from the region and beyond attended the symposium, which had the specific objectives to:

Abstract format and selection process

This document informs you on the format for abstracts and the selection process for the presenters.

Limpopo National Park One Health Assessment report

This document is the result of the third One Health Assessment in the Limpopo National Park, which was initiated by WCS in 2007 with the fieldwork conducted by Dr. M. Kock, Dr. A. de Nazare Mangueze and Mr. M. J. Murphree. The fieldwork for this report was conducted in August 2013, but the report was only finalised in 2016. Because of this, the author liaised directly with the previous Project Manager of the LNP, Mr. A. Alexander, to ensure information was updated to 2016, and changes in any situational issue noted in the report were included.
