
Proposal Canoe Trail

TRhis is the funding proposal for the development of a canoe trail in ARTP.

Evaluation Report from Humboldt University

The evaluation team visited the /Ai/Ais-Richtersveld Transfrontier Park in Au-gust 2014 in order to evaluate the GIZ funded pilot project Desert Kayak Trails. During data collection, interviews were conducted with the project implementers (project coordinator, Namibian Wildlife Resorts, acting park manager of the /Ai/Ais Hot Springs Game Park, park manager of the Richtersveld National Park), community guides, park management staff, community representatives, the mar-keting manager of Boundless Southern Africa, canoe tour operators, tourist agen-cies and other tourism experts.

Evaluation of SMTFCA Fire Project by Humboldt University

This is the report of the SLE team evaluating the project in September 2014.

Fire Management Strategy for Bwabwata NP and Luiana PR

In the last two decades uncontrolled fires have become a major concern in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. Each year uncontrolled wildfires spread throughout the region having serious consequences including environmental degradation, negatively impacting on land use and community livelihoods and increasing greenhouse gas emissions. These cross-sectoral issues highlight the importance of socio-economic factors in the management of fire and the necessity to engage public, private and civil society stakeholders.

Inception Report Acadir/ IRDNC Project

This is the inception report for the IRDNC-Acadir fire management project for Bwabwata NP and Luiana Partial Reserv

Project Proposal Fire Management Strategy Bwabwata and Luiana

The overall goal is to develop and implement an Integrated Trans-frontier Fire Management Strategy for Liuana Partial Reserve in Angola and Bwabwata National Park in Namibia. 
